• Blockquote

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Duis non justo nec auge

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

Eat your greens

Greens glorious greens, there's nothing quite like them!!!

It should come as no surprise that my favourite veges are the green ones. Yes, I love zucchini, spinach, beans and snow peas. In fact I love good old fashioned peas too!

We have a lovely vegetable patch where we live and it's blissfully relaxing to spend time tending to its growth. It's not just the planting and watering I enjoy either - there's something quite meditative about weeding - I love the resistance experienced each time I pull one of those nasty suckers from the earth. There's a certain level of satisfaction that comes from both the physical and mental stimulation associated with weed pulling. But it's the prolific green veges that keep me coming back for more. I'm always surprised by how quickly things grow back - the spinach seems to regenerate almost as quickly as it's harvested. And the sweet little snow peas make me smile every time I see them - they're just the most adorable little pods of green. There is nothing like the sweet green crunch that teases your taste buds every time you snap one off the vine and take a bite. Sadly the snow peas have finished for the season but I have an abundance of various spinach plants, chives and broccoli (also nearly at the end of it's season).

photo - Green Queen

The good thing about greens nutritionally is that they pack a punch...they have a high chlorophyll content, are packed full of vitamins, minerals, live enzymes and antioxidants. So not only are they delicious, they are incredibly good in helping our bodies detox and stay healthy.

Today I am happy and healthy because our crisper is full of homegrown delectable delights and luckily for me my soul is soothed by the spectrum of green they exhibit.

Goodnight sweet peas.

There's nothing like green when you're feeling blue

Yes it's true; there's nothing like green when you're feeling blue.

As I immerse myself in luscious green I suddenly feel that the blue burden from my day has lifted. It's slowly turned aqua and then a bright shade of green.

I am lucky in that where I live green is all around me...in the beautiful leaf structures of so many plants, like the abundant mulberry tree behind our vege patch. Its umbrella of green is cool and calm and does much to soothe my soul.

Photo by Green Queen

All it takes for me to be enveloped in green is to step outside and walk amongst the trees. And yes I feel better already.

Photo by Green Queen

If you're feeling a little off colour take a dose of green....it's good for your soul....it will calibrate your world again!